Parental leave program

Parental leave program

Physicians wishing to spend time with their newborn babies or newly adopted children, as well as individuals who are acting as a surrogate or have experienced a loss of a pregnancy after week 20 or later (including stillborn), may apply for parental leave through the Doctors Nova Scotia (DNS) Parental Leave Program.

Newborn babies or newly adopted children 
The program provides $2,000 per week for 26 consecutive weeks. Physicians have the option to spread this benefit over a maximum of 52 consecutive weeks from date of birth at a reduced rate if they wish to do so. Members will be eligible for this benefit as long as they reside in Nova Scotia and have billed at least $50,000 in the 12 months preceding baby’s date of birth or date of taking over care of an adopted child. In two-physician families, both parents are eligible for parental leave.

Benefits for parental leave are accessible from the child’s birthdate, however eligible leaves may begin at a later date provided the weeks fall within 52 weeks from the child’s birthdate. Benefits for adoptive parents start from the date of taking over care of the child, providing the child is aged five or younger. Apply now for parental or adoption leave

The program provides $2,000 per week for 12 consecutive weeks. Benefits for surrogate leave are accessible from the baby’s date of birth. Members will be eligible for this benefit as long as they reside in Nova Scotia and have billed at least $50,000 in the previous 12 months. Apply now for surrogate leave

Loss of pregnancy
The program provides $2,000 per week for 12 consecutive weeks for members who have experienced a loss of a pregnancy at week 20 or later (including stillbirth). Members will be eligible for this benefit as long as they reside in Nova Scotia and have billed at least $50,000 in the previous 12 months. Apply now for pregnancy loss leave

Earned income

Earned income must be $1,200 or less per week while claiming parental leave benefits.

Members must maintain a Full or Special Consideration: Members on Leave membership* with Doctors Nova Scotia while on leave. 

*Members on parental leave may be eligible to apply for Special Consideration: Members on Leave membership category and pay reduced membership fees. For more information, email Catherine Gervais or Deborah Wentzell.  

Taxable benefit

The Parental Leave Program is a taxable benefit under the guidelines set out by the Canada Revenue Agency. Visit the tax forms section for more information.

Extended health and dental plan benefits 

If you are a member of the DNS extended health and dental plan, be sure to call DNS to add your child to the plan.  

If you require a breast pump, the extended health and dental plan can cover 80% of the cost for the pump, up to a maximum of $500.  


Colleen Sears
Payroll and finance administrator
Fax 902-200-0807