Board Election

Board Election

Voting in the Board election runs from March 4 - 25, 2025

2025-26 Board of Directors Election Candidates

One family physician inside Metro Halifax

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Practice Location
Dr. Lynn BusseyHalifax
Dr. Muna ChowdhuryHalifax
Dr. Jennifer O'ConnellTantallon

One specialist inside Metro Halifax

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Specialty/Practice Location
Dr. Travis CarpenterInternal medicine, QEII
Dr. Caitlin LeesInternal medicine, QEII
Dr. Abraham RudnickPsychiatry, Dartmouth

One specialist outside Metro Halifax

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Specialty/Practice Location
Dr. Oliva Ortiz-AlvarezPediatrician, Antigonish
Dr. Luke RichardsonEmergency medicine, Valley


Voting in the Board election runs from March 4 - 25. Candidate information and ballots will be available before voting begins. Results will be made available by April 3. 

Length of terms

All seats are for three-year terms. If elected, board members may serve two consecutive three-year terms.

Board role

The Board of Directors is responsible for developing and executing the strategic direction, approving governing policy and overseeing the management of Doctors Nova Scotia.

Board meetings

There are six meetings per year, usually held on Fridays. Virtual attendance is available.


Board members are entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses and honoraria as outlined in the association’s Honoraria and Expense Policy.


Sonia Abi Ajab
Executive assistant to the President and CEO